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The True Celebration

Every year we celebrate the feast of the ecclesiastical or church years. In later years the church, ecclesiastical feast is celebrated through: Advent, Christmas, Epifania, Pre Easter (Sunday Passion), Good Friday, Easter Sunday, The rise and Pentecost. The Feast of the church exists because the events of salvation history and in God through Jesus Christ for mankind and the world. Events after the events in the work of God's salvation in Jesus Christ can not be separated. These celebrations not only tradition but has a point about the work of God's salvation (the gift of God) God's love in this world. The Church celebrates the feast days as a sign of thanksgiving to God for the caring attitude, his love for man (safety) and to continue on the next generation. Not only as a tradition, not only appreciate and enforce the worship of the congregation. Similarly, the celebration-prayaan in everyday life (both personal, family, church and society or the nation). For us believers (Christians), we believe every second, minute, hour and day we could in life is a gift of God for us that we must cherish and syukuri.Kristen (of believers) to celebrate the fellowship of worship to be grateful, appreciate, offered respect, praise and worship the God of love and mercy on us, or may I say worship is a celebration. Worship (celebration) is important and not just a habit. In worship embodied a noble goal, namely to glorify God through praise, worship, confession, thanksgiving and petition. When glorify God, should we come humbly before Him to be worthy. When praying, actually we're lifting our hearts and souls to glorify God. There are two reasons why we worship Him; First, as our recognition that He is our Creator and creature creation. We believe that God has a purpose that created us for His glory, so that I can say that this recognition is important because we are useless without a confession before Him. Recognition is our commitment to be faithful and to recognize God as the primary in our lives. Secondly, in essence God indeed deserve our worship. King David said it was; My God, have-thy greatness, and glory, honor, fame and glory, yes everything that is in heaven and on earth! O Lord, have thee-thy kingdom and the highest is more than anything else, because the wealth and glory comes from you, and thou hast power over all things, in hand-thy power and glory; in thy hands the power to raise and strengthen everything everything. "( I Chronicles 29:11-12). The Apostle John said it well too, "the slain Lamb worthy to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength, and honor and glory and praise!" (Revelation 5:12). Thank God deserves praise and respect from the people of God. Jesus stated in John 4:23, "But the hour is coming, and now, that the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for such worshipers the Father willed."
 Because it should be at the celebration (worship), we leave our lives in a true act of God, which came to him in our totality as human beings. That means we come to God by bringing the whole mind, body, soul and hearts. Why many people do not get God's blessing during worship (celebration)? The answer is quite clear: for them to come worship in a way and a wrong motivation. Though our worship purposes, is to honor God. Make the celebration is not just a tradition (habit), but fill it with meaning for the celebration of God's name is glorified. Change the motivation and the way that is not worthy! Give your best for God, by learning to appreciate and cherish His gifts to us as a witness in the REAL ACTION!


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